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Nurse Papa

Apr 30, 2021

Welcome to this very special Mother's Day edition of Nurse Papa the podcast. Today, I would like to celebrate every amazing mom out there who is simply rocking the often thankless job of parenting.

It’s a shame that our society so often down plays the contribution of all our awesome moms while at the same time,...

Apr 19, 2021

Welcome to the very first BONUS EPISODE of the Nurse Papa podcast in which I share an illuminating tale from the rarified confines of the hospital. In this story, I will relate the very cringe-worthy reality of my gigantic mouth which is out-matched only by the enormity of my unfiltered mind. Often, I find myself...

Apr 12, 2021

The balance of powers are shifting in Nurse Papa's home. The natives (my kids) are restless. Make no mistake, a rebellion is certainly underway and the main point of contention is the cleanliness and order of our shared home. In this latest episode of Nurse Papa, I navigate the creative chaos of my children as they...